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Do Dogs Really Have Iron Stomachs?

“My dog ate something she shouldn’t have.” That’s a sentence almost every dog guardian can relate to. Our canine friends lick, chew and eat things that an average human wouldn’t touch with rubber gloves. When many pet parents see their dogs gnashing down raw meat, old grass clippings and abandoned honeycombs, they assume that their systems can handle just about anything that isn’t overtly poisonous. But are the stomachs of dogs really as hardy as they seem? After all, feral dogs can thrive on whatever nature and fortune provide, without any of the fresh water, kibble or tasty treats we lavish upon our pet canines. So surely the GI tracts of our pups can excel without any support, right?
At Wapiti Labs, we’re proud to support the happiness and well-being of companion animals across the country. That’s why we produce a variety of natural dietary supplements that encourage optimal health in canines. Above all else, our goal is to provide pet parents with all of the resources they need to offer the highest quality of care for their four-legged kids. Let’s start by putting this widespread rumor about canine stomachs to bed, once and for all. Read on to learn more about dog stomach issues and what you can do to keep your canine’s GI tract in peak condition.

How Strong is a Canine’s Stomach?

As most dog guardians can attest, canines have pretty powerful stomachs, at least in comparison to ours. Because dogs evolved on a diet of raw meat, their GI tracts adapted to process large amounts of bacteria, quantities that would turn any human’s stomach sour. This evolutionary boon enables our pups to eat meats and bones in the wild with minimal risk of stomach issues. A dog’s stomach also utilizes strong hydrochloric acid in large concentrationsten times what an average human stomach offersto process these rough foods. This powerful defense system kills a huge portion of the bacteria found in these potentially toxic treats, keeping your canine from becoming ill. Most importantly, dogs have a significantly shorter GI tract compared to humans, meaning that all that nasty food passes through their bodies much faster than it would through ours. This advantage keeps harmful bacteria from impacting the system before they’re eliminated.
Pair all of these natural defenses together, and it’s no surprise why dogs can handle a variety of nasty meals without adverse effects. However, that’s not to say that a canine’s stomach is immune to illness. Dogs can get sick or experience discomfort from eating a wide range of foods, including the raw meats and bones their systems weren’t designed to process. Humans are partly responsible for this problem because we’ve been showering our pups in safe, high-quality foods for thousands of years, but even wild carnivores with the strongest stomachs aren’t 100% safe from harmful bacteria. The systems we listed above are incredibly effective, but they aren’t perfect.
So, the answer to this blog’s titular question is a resounding no; dogs do not have iron stomachs. Despite their host of defenses, the GI tracts of canines are still susceptible to health problems and discomfort, especially when they’re forced to process poisonous or inedible materials. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can leverage to maximize your pup’s GI tract health, preventing stomach issues from decreasing their quality of life. But where to start?

Supporting Your Dog’s Stomach Health

Before you run off to look through a bunch of online articles on optimizing your canine’s GI tract, we highly advise you to consult with your favorite veterinary expert. A veterinarian should be your first source of support when seeking health solutions for your pet. They have the tools and expertise required to evaluate the current state of your dog’s stomach and recommend proven tactics to improve matters. Depending on your dog’s specific condition, your veterinarian may recommend a wealth of stomach remedies to help them. For many mild stomach problems, doing nothing and allowing your canine’s system to work its magic is the best course of action. Your veterinarian might also advise you to look into natural pet supplements that are specifically designed to support GI tract health in dogs.
To give you a better idea of how supplements can help your dog with stomach issues, let’s take a moment to discuss Wapiti’s G.I. Tract for Dogs. This potent dietary supplement is based on time-tested Eastern Medicine formulas, utilizing a range of natural ingredients, including Saussurea root, citrus peel, mentha herb, coix seed, magnolia bark and more. G.I. Tract is administered to help reduce occasional stomach discomfort in canines. It’s also incredibly effective at supporting proper digestion while soothing and protecting the stomach from many potential threats. G.I. Tract also reduces the passing of gas, helps to resolve food stagnation (caused by undigested food) and harmonizes the stomach, greatly reducing stomach discomfort and maintaining contentment while supporting digestion and bowel health. This supplement is the perfect tool for pet parents with dogs who like to eat things they shouldn’t or suffer from bouts of stomach discomfort.
Note: Consult with your veterinarian before starting your pup on any new medication or supplement regimen!

Contact Wapiti Labs Today

Feel free to call or message Wapiti Labs if you have any additional questions about dog stomach issues and how to safely resolve them in your pet. You can also reach out if you’d like to learn more about our peerless dietary supplements for canines. We’re always here to help, fellow pet lover.

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